Which Illness Is Often Associated With Deli Meats Servsafe
Question: Microorganisms
Answer: Small, living organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope. There are four types of microorganisms that can contaminate food and cause food borne illness: bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi
Question: Pathogens
Answer: Illness-causing microorganisms
Question: Toxins
Answer: Poisons produced by pathogens, plants, or animals. Some occur in animals as a result of their diet
Question: Bacteria
Answer: Single-celled, living microorganisms that can spoil food and cause foodborne illness. Bacteria present in food can quickly multiply to dangerous levels when food is incorrectly cooked, held, or reheated. Some form spores that can survive freezing and very high temperatures
Question: FAT TOM
Answer: Acronym for the conditions needed by most microorganisms to grow: food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, moisture
Question: Temperature Danger Zone
Answer: The temperature range between 41 and 135 degrees F within which most foodborne microorganisms rapidly grow
Question: Water activity
Answer: Amount of moisture available in food for microorganisms to grow. It is measured in a scale from 0.0 to 1.0, with water having a water activity of 1.0. TCS food typically has a water-activity value of 0.85 or higher
Question: Spore
Question: Virus
Answer: Smallest of the microbial food contaminants. Viruses rely on a living host to reproduce. They usually contaminate food through a food handler’s incorrect personal hygiene. Some survive freezing and cooking temperatures
Question: Parasite
Answer: Organism that needs to live in a host organism to survive. Parasites can be found in water and inside many animals, such as cows, chickens, pigs, and fish. Correct cooking and freezing will kill parasites. Avoiding cross-contamination and practicing correct handwashing can also prevent illness