Which Industry Revolutionized Music During The Renaissance
Question: Early Renaissance (1450-1500)
Answer: Found new inspiration in the classics, looked backwards to move forwards. Focused on the human being and their emotions instead of the mythical and divine→ major change from Middle Ages.
Question: Academies
Answer: Renaissance Florence. Noblemen gathered in these groups (not schools) to discuss the classics and the arts, a contemporary form is a book club yet with higher intellectual standing. First academy in Florence in1470.
Question: Art in the Early Renaissance
Answer: Explosion of artistic production in visual arts along with the most famous visual artists ever. Literary arts excelled as well→ Machiavelli, Shakespeare, etc.
Question: Music in Early Renaissance
Answer: The role of harmony becomes increasingly important, bottom voice takes on a more prominent role than the other voices. Led to imitative polyphony
Question: Effect of the Printing Press
Question: Shift from sacred to secular music in E. Renaissance
Question: Burgundian Court
Question: Philip the Good
Answer: Most famous Duke of Burgundy, head of Burgundian Court in 1467. Burgundian Court dissolved 10 years after Philip was gone
Question: Dufay
Question: Ways to achieve unity in the mass