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Which Normal Blood Pressure Reading And Cardiac Cycle Phase Match

Question: How many heartbeats make up a complete cardiac cycle?

Answer: 1

Question: During ventricular systole, the ventricles ____

Answer: Contract

Question: The valve that opens when the left ventricle expels blood into the aorta is the ____ valve.

Answer: Aortic semilunar

Question: Which of the following medications may be used to decrease edema in congestive heart failure patients ?

Answer: Diuretics

Question: When the heart loses its ability to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body, the patient is diagnosed with _____

Answer: Congestive heart failure

Question: All of the following are used to treat heart failure.

Answer: Surgery, medication, lifestyle changes.

Question: Which normal blood pressure reading and cardiac cycle phase match?

Answer: Blood pressure of 120, cardiac systole

Question: When measuring blood pressure, how do you know when to record the systolic blood pressure?

Answer: You being hearing the heart sounds after hearing nothing.

Question: During diastole, wht is happening inside the ventricles?

Answer: The ventricles are filling with blood

Question: Why is blood pressure higher in systemic arteries and lower in systemic veins ?

Answer: Because systemic arteries are closer to the heart than systemic veins