Which Note Card Is Properly Formatted And Labeled
Question: If you record the exact words from a source, what kind of information have you recorded?
Answer: quotation
Answer: “Cloning is an asexual form of reproduction. All the child’s genes would come from a body cell of a single individual . . . .”
Question: What information should your organizational system document?
bibliographic information for all sources used
research information in its various forms
author, title of the piece, and publisher
all of these
Answer: all of these
Question: What should you record on a note card if you’re using the index-card organizational system?
bibliographic information
quotation, paraphrase, summary
title of the original source
bibliographic annotation
Answer: quotation, paraphrase, summary
Question: Analyze the bibliography card and answer the question that follows.
Which note card is properly formatted and labeled?
Answer: D
Question: What should you record on a bibliographic card if you’re using the index-card organizational system?
quotation, paraphrase, summary
title referring to category
MLA bibliographic info
plan for using the data
Answer: MLA bibliographic info
Question: Analyze the bibliography card below and answer the question that follows.
Which note card is properly formatted and labeled?
Answer: D
Answer: a summary and evaluation of each potential source for a research project
Answer: B
Question: A key difference between the annotated bibliography and the works cited page is that the annotated bibliography __________ each source.
summarizes, assess, and reflects on
lists only the author and page number of
includes a photocopy or screenshot of
provides in-text citations for
Answer: summarizes, assess, and reflects on