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Which Nursing Activity Reflects Secondary Prevention

Question: A client has had a total knee replacement and is receiving care that includes learning to walk with a walker. What level of prevention is most applicable to this client?

  1. Primary prevention

  2. b. Secondary prevention

  3. c. Tertiary prevention

  4. d. Residual prevention

  5. Answer: c. Tertiary prevention

  6. Question: The recognition of health as an ongoing process toward a person’s highest potential of functioning is defined as:

  7. a. illness.

  8. b. agent-host-environment.

  9. c. health belief model.

  10. d. high-level wellness.

  11. Answer: d. high-level wellness.

  12. Question:

  13. Answer: a. To allow them to give effective nursing care to others

  14. b. To enable them to practice more efficiently

  15. c. To help them serve as role models for clients

  16. Question:

  17. Answer: a. Health promotion

  18. Question:

  19. Answer: d. It has a gradual onset and lasts for a long time.

  20. Question: What is the definition of wellness?

  21. a. Being without disease

  22. b. An active state of being healthy

  23. c. A desire to be without disease

  24. d. Maximizing the state in which you live

  25. Answer: b. An active state of being healthy

  26. Question: Which are factors that impact how a client defines health? Select all that apply.

  27. a. Family

  28. b. Culture

  29. c. Community

  30. d. Society

  31. e. Music

  32. Answer: a. Family

  33. b. Culture

  34. c. Community

  35. d. Society

  36. Question: Which needs are being met when a nurse recommends a senior citizen community center for an older client who is living alone?

  37. a. Spiritual needs

  38. b. Sociocultural needs

  39. c. Intellectual needs

  40. d. Emotional needs

  41. Answer: b. Sociocultural needs

  42. Question: Which nursing activity reflects secondary prevention?

  43. a. Promoting the use of seat belts

  44. b. Making a referral for a mammogram

  45. c. Discussing the use of drugs and alcohol

  46. d. Promoting the use of helmets while riding motorcycles or bicycles

  47. Answer: b. Making a referral for a mammogram

  48. Question: A nurse is immunizing children against measles. This is an example of what level of preventive care?

  49. a. Primary

  50. b. Secondary

  51. c. Tertiary

  52. d. Chronic

  53. Answer: a. Primary