Which Of The Following About Carbon Sinks Is Not True

Question: What distinguishes even-aged management practices from uneven-aged management practices?

Answer: Even-aged practices remove larger groups of trees than uneven-aged management practices.

Question: Even-aged management practices involves clearing trees that _______.

Answer: are all near the same age

Question: Which of the following forest management practices is best for reestablishing areas of forest?

Answer: reforestation

Question: What fraction of the fossil fuel emissions in the United States could be absorbed by converting 25% of agricultural land in the U.S. to native forests?

Answer: approximately 20%

Question: Which of the following about carbon sinks is not true?

Answer: They emit more carbon than they take in.

Question: Which of the following is not part of the role of a forester?

Answer: prevent removal of timber

Question: Which of the following statements about forestry education is true?

Answer: Some states have greater access to forestry programs than others.

Question: When is the carbon stored in plants released?

Answer: when they die

Question: Which of the following forest management practices is the most harmful to forest ecosystems?

Answer: clearcutting

Question: The amount of carbon removed by forests in the United States each year is equal to _______.

Answer: 3390 semi-trucks full of carbon

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