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Which Of The Following About Heat Treatment Is False


Answer: - c) Washing and scrubbing with soaps and detergents.

Question: Preservation:

Answer: - Slows microbial growth but does not reduce the number of existing microbes.

Question: Sterilization:

Answer: - Destruction of all microbial life.

Question: Decontamination:

Answer: - Mechanical removal of most microbes from living on intimate surfaces.

Question: Disinfection:

Answer: - Reduction of most microbial life on intimate surfaces.

Question: Which of the following best describe the difference between a disinfectant and an antiseptic?

Answer: - The first is an antimicrobial chemical used on inanimate surfaces or objects to remove most of the pathogenic microorganisms.

  • The second is an antimicrobial chemical than can be used on the skin or tissues to achieve the same result.

  • Question: The more bacteria present on or in something, the longer it takes to kill them all.

  • True or False?

  • Answer: - True

  • Question: These microbes and infectious agents are “Sensitive” with regards to effect of antimicrobial procedures.

  • Answer: - Bacillus vegetative cells

  • - HIV

  • - Escherichia species

  • Question: These microbes and infectious agents are “Resistant” with regards to effect of antimicrobial procedures.

  • Answer: - Bacillus endospores

  • - Poliovirus

  • - Prion

  • - Pseudomonas species

  • - Giardia cysts

  • - Mycobacteria species

  • Question: The decimal reduction time is the time it takes to kill 90% of a given bacterial population under certain conditions. If 90% of a population of 100,000 bacterial is killed in 10 minutes, how long would it take to reduce the population to 10 cells?

  • Answer: - 40 minutes