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Which Of The Following Accurately Describes What Gluten Does

Question: Match the calorie cost for each of the nutrients in the following food:

Answer: 10 grams Carbohydrates = 40kcal

5 grams Fat = 45kcal

4 grams Protein = 16kcal

Question: which of the following accurately describes the scientific method?

Answer: A testing procedure designed to detect and eliminate error.

Question: When a scientist suggests a possible explanation for a natural phenomenon, that explanation is called a(n)

Answer: Hypothesis

Question: Vitamins help to enable chemical reactions in the body:

Answer: True

Question: Select all of the following volume measurements that are approximately equal to one liter.

Answer: 1 quart

4 cups

Question: Which of the following foods are rich in Phytochemicals?

Answer: Fruits


Question: Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and water are all:

Answer: Classes of nutrients

Question: Name the science that links food and health.

Answer: Nutrition

Question: Which of the following are strategies that may help to prevent weight gain? Select all that apply:

Answer: Work for an employer with a wellness program

Find a workout partner

Snack on raw vegetables instead of chips

Question: An organic substance lacks carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms in the chemical structure

Answer: False