I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Actions Is Expected Under Anti Harassment Laws

Question: Your emergency care plan, should include:

Answer: A)In the case of life threatening injuries, administer first aid to the injured athlete.

B) Personally call or have someone call emergency medical personnel

C) Notify parents/guardians promptly when emergency care is needed

Question: The American with Disabilities Act requires that public facilities and programs accommodate an individual with a defined disability unless the accommodation leads to:

Answer: A) Fundamental alteration of a program

B) Undue administrative burden

C) Excessive cost

Question: Which item should be discussed during a preseason meeting with students?

Answer: A) Evaluation and selection process

B) Expectations and time commitment

C) Team rules

Question: It is the responsibility of the head coach to adhere to the facility schedule and not overlap into the time of other teams by being well prepared for every practice.

Answer: True

Question: Which area addressed by state association’s eligibility rules is put in place to inhibit students from seeking out or being recruited by other schools solely for athletic purposes?

Answer: Transfer/Residency

Question: Complete as many administrative tasks as possible (e.g., budget, scheduling of contests and facilities):

Answer: During the off season

Question: Arranging escorts for the officials to and from the field, locker rooms, and their vehicles is the responsibility of the home teacher/coach during the in-season?

Answer: True

Question: All individuals involved in interscholastic athletics are ultimately responsible t0?

Answer: Board of Education

Question: The head coach is completely in charge of game scheduling during the off-season.

Answer: False

Question: In transporting students, the head coach an sit in the front of the bus providing an indirect supervision.

Answer: False