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Which Of The Following Activities Is Least Suited For Automation

Question: How often does The Bureau of Labor Statistics track U.S. productivity?

Answer: quarterly

Question: A measure of economic performance that compares the amount of goods and services produced (output) with the number of labor hours used in producing those goods and services is known as which of the following?

Answer: labor productivity

Question: An electronic medical record includes which of the following?

Answer: a patient’s immunization records

Question: Which of the following involves acquiring data, sound, images, and video from a patient and then transmitting everything to a medical specialist for later evaluation?

Answer: store-and-forward telemedicine

Question: Researchers have found that it can take how long for IT investment to result in a significant increase in productivity?

Answer: only a few months

Question: Which of the following activities is least suited for automation?

Answer: activities associated with managing others

Question: Which aspect of artificial intelligence involves technology that allows computers to understand, analyze, manipulate, and/or generate English?

Answer: natural language processing

Question: One of the fundamental ways in which companies can try directly to increase productivity is by:

Answer: consolidating operations to better leverage economies of scale

Question: An example of robotics can be found in which of the following examples?

Answer: device used to move heavy pallets

Question: What is another name for a tethered PHR?

Answer: patient portal