Which Of The Following Was A Benefit Of British Rule

Question: sepoys

Answer: Indian soldiers hired to protect the British East India company’s interests in the region

Question: viceroy

Answer: a governor who ruled as a representative of a monarch - The British government ruled India directly through a British official assisted by a civil service staff

Question: British rule brought what to India?

Answer: Stability - And The British also brought over to India a sense of superiority over the Indians

Question: British rule destroyed what in India?

Answer: Native industries & degraded Indians

Question: Mohandes Gandhi

Answer: Advocate for NON-VIOLENT resistance in order to gain Indian independence from Great Britain

Question: Queen Victoria

Answer: She became Empress of India after the revolt. The East India Company was no longer the ruler. India became Queen Victoria’s “Jewel in the Crown.”

Question: Thomas Macaulay

Answer: responsible for introducing an educational system into India — decided the schools would use the English language NOT Arabic or Sanskrit - he felt that the most valuable books were written in the English language.

Question: What company was sent over to India to become actively involved in the political & military affairs of India?

Answer: The British East India Company

Question: How did the British rule India?

Answer: The British East India Company had soldiers & forts and they also hired Indian soldiers-sepoys.

Question: What was the GREAT REBELLION or also called the SEPOY MUTINY (this is what the British called it?

Answer: In 1857, there was a growing distrust of the British & the Indians revolted

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