Which Of The Following Was An Important Teaching Of Zoroaster

Question: Which of the following was an important teaching of Zoroaster?

Answer: People possessed free will and were accountable for their actions.

Question: How did Sargon reinforce his rule in Mesopotamia?

Answer: He tore down the defensive walls of major cities and appointed his own sons as rulers.

Question: What material was used for writing in Mesopotamia?

Answer: Soft clay

Question: In what region did the first known states develop?

Answer: Mesopotamia

Question: Which of the following was true of the Assyrians?

Answer: They were one of the most warlike people in history.

Question: What happened to the Hebrew kingdom after Solomon’s death?

Answer: Conflict led to its split into two separate kingdoms.

Question: What geographic feature had the largest impact on Egyptian culture and prosperity?

Answer: The Nile River

Question: Which Hebrew leader captured the city of Jerusalem?

Answer: David

Question: What was the intended function of Hammurabi’s code?

Answer: To regulate the relationships among his people and promote their welfare

Question: Why did Sumerians likely begin a system of taxation?

Answer: To pay for the construction of temples and the expenses of temple officials

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