Which Of The Following Was Formally Amended To The Constitution

Question: With the words “We the People,” the Constitution establishes its authority on the basis of

Answer: Popular Sovereignty

Question: Which statement of the Bill of Rights is not true?

Answer: The amendments were ratified at the same time as the constitution

Question: The informal amendment process

Answer: Results from the daily experiences of the gov’t

Question: The President’s Cabinet is an example of informal amendment by

Answer: Unwritten custom

Question: In most cases involving judicial review, the courts have

Answer: Found the governmental actions in question to be constitutional

Question: Which of the following best describes the concept of limited gov’t?

Answer: Gov’t must operate within certain bounds set by the people

Question: Which of the following is a method of formal amendment?

Answer: Proposed by two-thirds of Congress and ratification by three-fourths of state legislatures

Question: Which of the following informal amendments was a result of party practices?

Answer: The use of the electoral college as a rubber stamp for the popular vote

Question: The basic constitutional rights of the people FIRST set out in the

Answer: Bill of Rights

Question: Which of the following is not true of the use of executive agreement?

Answer: It is among the Executive powers in article II of the Constitution

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