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Which Of The Following Was True About The Minutemen

Question: What system did Paul Revere set up to signal that the British were coming?

Answer: Hanging a lantern in the church

Question: Why didn’t the colonists like the Tea Acts?

Answer: They gave the British a monopoly on selling tea.

Question: How did the colonists get access to British ships during the Boston Tea Party?

Answer: They dressed like Mohawk Indians.

Question: What was a major effect of the Boston Tea Party?

Answer: King George understood that the colonists were unhappy.

Question: Which of the following was true about the Minutemen?

Answer: They were not as well-trained as the British soldiers.

Question: What was Paul Revere trying to prevent the British from doing?

Answer: stealing the colonists’ ammunition and supplies

Question: What was a direct effect of the Intolerable Acts?

Answer: Democracy in Massachusetts was restricted.

Question: Why were the Americans more successful at the Battle of Concord than at the Battle of Lexington?

Answer: The Americans used guerilla-style fighting tactics.

Question: Who joined Paul Revere on his ride?

Answer: William Dawes and Samuel Prescott

Question: What instructions did Captain Parker give the colonists at Lexington?

Answer: “Don’t fire unless you’re fired upon.”