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Which Of The Following Was True Of The Virginia Plan

Question: Under the Articles of Confederation, what was an accomplishment of the national government?

Answer: passing ordinances for establishing settlement of western territory

Question: With regard to slavery, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 _____________.

Answer: banned slavery in the area north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River.

Question: Shays’s Rebellion ___________________.

Answer: modeled their tactics on the patriot protests of the 1760s.

Question: Which of the following is true of the Virginia Plan?

Answer: It proposed a two-house legislature, with population determining representation in each house.

Question: The New Jersey Plan:

Answer: was mainly supported by the smaller, less populated states.

Question: What ultimately happened with the Virginia and New Jersey Plans?

Answer: A compromise was reached incorporating ideas from both plans.

Question: What qualifications did the Constitution, ratified in 1787, impose for voting?

Answer: None; it left voting rules to the states.

Question: Why did the founding fathers create the electoral college?

Answer: They did not trust ordinary voters to choose the president and vice president directly.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a check against presidential power in the Constitution?

Answer: The House can remove the president from office after impeaching him.

Question: Which of the following is true of the Constitution of 1787 and slavery?

Answer: Although never using the word “slavery,” the document protected several aspects of the institution.