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Which Of The Following Works Was A Peace Offering

Question: Which statement is true of images of deities?

Answer: Can be male or female

Question: How are most early deities represented?

Answer: As a female fertility goddess

Question: Where is the Snake Goddess from?

Answer: Crete

Question: Which form from Ancient Egypt was used to represent deities?

Answer: Animals

Question: What can the Hindu god Brahman never be?

Answer: Known

Question: What is the Buddhist concept of heaven or paradise called?

Answer: Nirvana

Question: What did later statues of Buddha emphasize?

Answer: Serenity

Question: What was the Buddhist stupa, at first a mound tomb, transformed into?

Answer: A monument that contained the Buddha’s ashes or relics

Question: What would be the nearest analogy to a Bodhisattva?

Answer: A saint

Question: After Christianity became the official state religion of Rome, how was Christ shown?

Answer: As a king or ruler