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Which Of The Following Worlds Has The Most Substantial Atmosphere

Question: How does the Sun’s mass compare with that of the planets?

Answer: It is a thousand times more massive than all the planets combined.

Question: Where does nuclear fusion occur in the Sun?

Answer: In its core.

Question: Which planet has the highest average surface temperature and why?

Answer: Venus, because of its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere.

Question: Which is the densest planet in the solar system?

Answer: Earth.

Question: Which planet, other than Earth, has visible water ice on it?

Answer: Mars.

Question: How is Einsteins famous equation, e=mc^2, important in understanding the sun?

Answer: The sun generates energy to shine by losing 4 million tons of mass each second.

Question: According to our theory of solar system formation, which law best explains why the solar nebula spun faster as it shrank in size?

Answer: Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum.

Question: Which of the following lists the ingredients of the solar nebula from highest to lowest percentage of mass of the nebula?

Answer: Ligh gases (H,He), Hydrogen compounds (H2O, CH4, NH3), Rocks, Metals.


Answer: 3.9 billion

Question: Under what circumstances can differentiation occur in a planet?

Answer: The planet must have a molten interior