I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Would Be An Example Of Anxiety

Question: D

Answer: Neurotic behavior is ________

a.​maladaptive and means that a person is out of touch with reality.

b.​a current term, used to describe many disorders in the DSM-5.

c.​what we now refer to as “hysteria.”

d.​maladaptive but means that a person is not out of touch with reality.

Question: C


Question: B

Answer: Fear is a basic emotion that involves ________

a.​concern about the future.

b.​the activation of the “fight or flight” response.

c.​negative thoughts, but not a change in physiological arousal.

d.​a complex blend of negative mood and self-preoccupation.

Question: Which of the following would be an example of anxiety?

a.​Julie jumped when she saw the snake.

b.​Hilda dreaded walking home alone.

c.​Carl was certain that the food was poisoned.

d.​The voices in Paul’s head told him he should be afraid.

Answer: B

Question: C


Question: Which of the following is a typical symptom of panic attacks?



c.​Fear of dying


Answer: C

Question: Which of the following is one of the five primary types of anxiety disorders recognized in the DSM-5?



c.​dissociative fugue

d.​bipolar disorder

Answer: B

Question: What is one of the major ways the anxiety disorders differ from each other?

a.​Whether they have a genetic component.

b.​Whether they are treatable.

c.​Whether there are more fear/panic symptoms or anxiety symptoms involved.

d.​Whether the disorder is associated with other anxiety disorders.

Answer: C

Question: A

Answer: Neuroticism is ________

a.​a tendency to experience negative mood states.

b.​simply another term for anxiety.

c.​a tendency to believe negative things about oneself.

d.​a tendency to feel anxious.

Question: B
