I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Would Be Considered A Fomite

Question: Which of the following would be considered a fomite?

Answer: An infected toy

Question: Which of the following would be considered a vector?

Answer: A fly carrying disease from fecal matter to food

Question: When aerosols containing pathogens spread disease from a distance of less than one meter, it is considered

Answer: contact transmission.

Question: Which of the following is considered a major category of transmission of disease?

Answer: Contact, vehicle, and vector transmission

Question: Which is an example of vehicle disease transmission?

Answer: The presence of Listeria on undercooked chicken served for dinner

Question: Expected prevalence of a disease is

Answer: the expected occurrence of a disease based on past observations

Question: In the sixth segment of the animation, why is the disease epidemic in North America?

Answer: The disease occurs at a higher rate than what would normally be expected in this region.

Question: If a disease occurs at a fairly stable rate, it is said to be

Answer: endemic.

Question: This activity asks you to identify Koch’s postulates for determining the etiology of infectious diseases.

Which statements accurately describe Koch’s postulates?



Answer: Microorganism X might not be linked to floppy ear disease, because the inoculated mouse remained healthy

A laboratory mouse might not be an appropriate, susceptible host; an experiment with a laboratory rabbit may be needed.