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Which Of The Following Would Decrease Body Temperature

Question: appetite

Answer: A desire for food. A psychological phenomenon dependent on memory and associations, as opposed to hunger, which is a physiological need to eat.

Question: cyanide

Answer: disrupts oxidative phosphorylation by binding to cytochrome oxidase and blocking electron flow from complex IV to oxygen. The gas used in gas chambers.

Question: hypercholesterolemia


Question: ketosis

Answer: A condition resulting from excessive ketones (break down of fats) in the blood, common during starvation and acute attack of diabetes mellitus.

Question: kwashiorkor

Answer: caused by proportionately lower protein intake than calories in children. Characterized by bloated abdomen because the amount of plasma proteins is inadequate to keep fluid in the bloodstream. Skin lesions and infections are likely,

Question: marasmus

Answer: cause by inadequate overall calorie intake, result in weight loss and depletion of fat and muscle.

Question: pica

Answer: craving and eating nonfood substances such as clay or dirt.

Question: skin-fold test

Answer: clinical test of body fatness. A skin fold in the back of the arm or below the scapula is measured with a caliper. A fold over 1 inch in thickness indicated excess fat.

Question: statins

Answer: cholesterol lowering drugs for people with elevated LDL levels. Over 10 million americans are now taking statins.

Question: phenylketonuria

Answer: Also known as PKU. metabolism genetic disorder. Affected person are unable to metabolize phenylalanine - amino acid that is present in all protein food.