I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Would Not Be Considered Psychotherapy

Question: ______ specifically refers to the idea that working toward psychological health requires self-understanding.

  1. Systematic desensitization

  2. b. Psychotherapy

  3. c. Rational emotive behavior therapy

  4. d. Insight therapy

  5. Answer: D

  6. Question: Which of the following would NOT be considered psychotherapy?

  7. a. cognitive therapy

  8. b. gestalt therapy

  9. c. the use of electroconvulsive therapy

  10. d. aversion therapy

  11. Answer: C

  12. Question:

  13. Answer: A

  14. Question: The psychoanalytic technique of ___ is used to explore the unconscious by having patients reveal whatever thoughts, feeling, or images come to mind.

  15. a. dream analysis

  16. b. exposure and response prevention

  17. c. free association

  18. d. resistance

  19. Answer: C

  20. Question: ____ developed person-centered therapy, which based on the ____ school of thought.

  21. a. Sigmund Freud; psychoanalysis

  22. b. Aaron Beck; cognitive

  23. c. Carl Rogers; humanistic

  24. d. Fritz Perls; behavioral

  25. Answer: C

  26. Question: In ____, several clients meet regularly with one or more therapists to resolve personal problems.

  27. a. family therapy

  28. b. a self-help group

  29. c. psychoanalysis

  30. d. group therapy

  31. Answer: D

  32. Question: ____ utilizes the principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and/or observational learning to eliminate inappropriate and maladaptive behaviors.

  33. a. A self-help group

  34. b. Humanistic therapy

  35. c. psychoanalysis

  36. d. behavior therapy

  37. Answer: D

  38. Question: What is the difference between systematic desensitization and flooding?

  39. Answer: slowly vs. all at once

  40. Question: ____ assume(s) that maladaptive behavior can be result from irrational thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.

  41. a. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

  42. b. Cognitive behavior therapies (CBT)

  43. c. behavior techniques

  44. d. interpersonal therapies (IPT)

  45. Answer: B

  46. Question: According to Beck, ____ is/are unreasonable but unquestioned ideas that rule a person’s life.

  47. a. irrational thoughts

  48. b. conditions of worth

  49. c. “emotional baggage”

  50. d. automatic thoughts

  51. Answer: D