I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Would Result In Cognitive Dissonance


Answer: No. Conformity requires that you base your behavior on what other people are doing, not being told to do so.

Question: Which of the following is NOT a form of social influence?

Select one:

  1. conformity

  2. b. compliance

  3. c. obedience

  4. d. altruism

  5. Answer: altruism

  6. Question: The main task of the Solomon Asch studies was ________.

  7. Select one:

  8. a. selecting paint colors

  9. b. judging line sizes

  10. c. rating new fashions

  11. d. taste-testing new candies

  12. Answer: judging line sizes

  13. Question:

  14. Answer: You believe that reality TV is for morons but are addicted to American Idol and watch every episode

  15. Question:

  16. Answer: I believe smoking is bad for my health; I love to smoke.

  17. Question:

  18. Answer: Pink shirts are effeminate; Bruce Willis wears pink shirts.

  19. Question:

  20. Answer: reduction of cognitive dissonance

  21. Question:

  22. Answer: Those who got $1 to perform a boring task said the task was more interesting than did those who got $20.

  23. Question: Which of the following statements concerning social categorization is correct?

  24. Select one:

  25. a. it occurs without conscious awareness

  26. b. it is deliberate and conscious

  27. c. people who do it tend to be young and naïve

  28. d. social categorization is a relatively new phenomenon

  29. Answer: it occurs without conscious awareness

  30. Question: Which term refers to a set of characteristics believed to be shared by all members of a particular group?

  31. Select one:

  32. a. stereotype

  33. b. expectation

  34. c. classification

  35. d. categorization

  36. Answer: stereotype