I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Following Would You Find On A Network

Question: Which of the following is NOT a Network Application?

Answer: Microsoft Word, word processing application

Question: When would be a good time to use a Bcc rather than a Cc?

Answer: To hide other recipients email addresses, such as when sending a newsletter

Question: You have received an email from a friend with a file attached to it, but the email subject looks suspicious. What should you do?

Answer: Ask your friend if they sent you a file before you open it.

Question: What does URL stand for?

Answer: Uniform Resource Locator

Question: Which of the following is a good password protection practice?

Answer: Change your password often

Question: The art of cracking into a computer to steal information is called?

Answer: Hacking

Question: A file that is sent along with an email message is called a(n)

Answer: Attachment

Question: Which of the following would make a good password?

Answer: !MyPaSWRd82!

Question: You have received a few emails over night. Below are a list of their subject lines and who they are from, which would you want to open?

Answer: From: CaseyMoon@gmail.com

Subject: Friday Night Party

Question: What do Cc and Bcc stand for?

Answer: Carbon Copy and Blind Carbon Copy