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Which Of The Four Galilean Moons Is Not Differentiated

Question: Which of the Galilean moons is the densest and most geologically active?

A) Io

B) Europa

C) Ganymede

D) Callisto

E) Titan

Answer: Io

Question: The four Galilean moons formed with Jupiter, most others were later captures


Question: The surface of which jovian moon most resembles the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean?

A) Amalthea

B) Io

C) Europa

D) Ganymede

E) Callisto

Answer: Europa

Question: Of the Galilean satellites, which has the oldest, most heavily cratered surface?

A) Titan

B) Io

C) Europa

D) Callisto

E) Ganymede

Answer: Callisto

Question: Ganymede

Answer: Of the Galilean moons, the one with striking grooved terrain and icy tectonic features as well as older craters is

A) Amalthea.

B) Io.

C) Europa.

D) Ganymede.

E) Callisto.

Question: Which of the jovian moons is the largest and also the largest moon in the solar system, even bigger than Mercury?

A) Titan

B) Triton

C) Ganymede

D) Callisto

E) Umbriel

Answer: Ganymede

Question: Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa

Answer: In size, from largest to smallest, the correct order for the Galilean moons is

A) Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, Io.

B) Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa.

C) Io, Europa, Callisto, Ganymede.

D) Europa, Ganymede, Io, Callisto.

E) Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Io.

Question: Which of the four Galilean moons is not differentiated?

A) Io

B) Europa

C) Ganymede

D) Callisto

E) None of the above. All the moons are differentiated.

Answer: Callisto

Question: What is thought to be the cause of Io’s volcanoes?

A) Jupiter’s magnetosphere and its charged particles

B) Jupiter’s gravity and the heat it creates

C) Tidal stresses from both Jupiter and Europa

D) Solar radiation focused by Jupiter’s gravity

E) Radioactive decay in Io’s interior

Answer: Tidal stresses from both Jupiter and Europa

Question: What is the major component of Io’s volcanic flows?

A) Basaltic lava, like the lunar mare

B) Liquid nitrogen, like the eruptions of Triton

C) Sulfur and its compounds

D) Carbon dioxide and water vapor, as with our eruptions

E) Iron oxide, as on Mars

Answer: Sulfur and its compounds