I Hate CBT's

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Which Of The Four Leadership Styles Avoids Conflict And Delegation

Question: Tasks

Answer: Clearly state task and deadline.

Question: talent

Answer: Select people who have talent/interest/competence in that task whenever possible.

Question: Trust

Answer: Give them freedom to do it, but follow up.

Question: Leadership styles include:

Answer: Doormat



Respectful Enforcer

Question: the most ideal leadership style

Answer: Respectful Enforcer

Respectful Enforcers are able to successfully manage delegation and conflict, creating investment and building trust in their teams.

Question: The ingredients of a good team

Answer: include clear roles and boundaries,

a common vision, and a willingness to address conflict openly.

Question: To ‘bake’ the ingredients of a good team

Answer: challenge team members to respect the roles, boundaries, vision, and conflict resolution methods.

Question: Doormat

Answer: Leaders who are Doormats are not comfortable delegating tasks (low) and like to avoid conflict at all costs (averse).

Question: Peacemaker

Answer: Leaders who are Peacemakers are able to delegate tasks (high) but like to avoid conflict (averse) so they try to keep everyone on the team happy.

Question: Warlord

Answer: Leaders who are Warlords do not delegate tasks (low) because they often feel they are the only ones who can accomplish a task. They expect conflict and view it negatively—as a challenge to their authority (expectant).