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Which Of The Statements Are True Of Endosymbiotic Theory

Question: Which of the statements are true of endosymbiotic theory?

Answer: explains why chloroplasts contain a double membrane; explains the origin of some eukaryotic organelles, such as mitochondria; states that an ancestral eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthetic protobacteria

Question: A cell uses many methods to transport solutes across the plasma membrane. Classify the descriptions as either simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, active transport, or bulk transport.


Question: Which statements are properties of protein‑based active transport?

Answer: Substances move from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration; Substances cross the plasma membrane by being pumped through a protein using ATPATP .

Question: Bacteria are grouped as either gram‑positive or gram‑negative. Which features are found in gram‑positive bacteria, and which are found in gram‑negative bacteria?

Gram Positive Bacteria:

Answer: -Have thick cell walls

-Have no membrane on outside walls

-All found in one phylum

Question: Bacteria are grouped as either gram‑positive or gram‑negative. Which features are found in gram‑positive bacteria, and which are found in gram‑negative bacteria?

Gram Negative Bacteria

Answer: -Have thin cell walls

-have membranes of lipoproteins and lipopolysaccharides on the outer side of cell walls

-Found in many phyla

Question: Cells are categorized as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Classify the characteristics as being unique to prokaryotic cells, common to both cell types, or unique to eukaryotic cells. Move each description into the correct category.

Answer: Prokaryotic: -Relatively small- Lack membrane-bound organelles

Both:- Contain DNA- Use ribosomes to synthesize proteins- Have cytoplasm

Eukaryotic:- Complete copy of DNA stored in multiple chromosomes