Which Of These Are Common Inputs To Next Generation Siem Systems

Question: Which cryptographic service ensures that the original sender cannot deny sending data or engaging in a digital transaction based on the usage of a secret or private key?

Answer: Non-repudiation

Question: What type of key is used for only one single key establishment process and is never stored in memory or retained?

Answer: Ephemeral Key

Question: Which of these are characteristics of block ciphers?

Answer: - Must include padding

  • Messages bigger than key size are broken up into size of key

  • - Uses counter modes

  • - 3DES and AES are common

  • Question: Which of these cryptographic hashing algorithms should not be used in a new modern implementation?

  • Answer: MD5

  • Question: Which of these versions of Diffie-Hellman is commonly used in TLS and uses elliptic-curve public/private key pairs and forward secrecy?

  • Answer: ECDHE

  • Question: What emerging solution will protect new areas such as sensor networks, healthcare, distributed control systems, and IoT, in which highly constrained devices are interconnected?

  • Answer: Lightweight Cryptography

  • Question: What type of cryptography derives its power from the fact that qubits can represent numerous possible combinations of 1 and 0 at the same time?

  • Answer: Quantum Cryptography

  • Question: What common cryptographic feature is an aspect of white-box cryptography where keys are protected from extraction when under the control of the penetration tester or attacker?

  • Answer: Obfuscation

  • Question: How is the public key of the customer’s digital certificate signed?

  • Answer: Using the private key of the CA

  • Question: Authenticates the source and integrity of device drivers

  • Answer: Code signing certificate

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