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Which Of These Are Spore Producing Structures

Question: Which of these are spore-producing structures?

-archegonium of a moss or fern

-sporophyte (capsule) of a moss

-gametophyte of a moss

-antheridium of a moss or fern

Answer: Sporophyte


Answer: had non-vascular, green plants similar to liverworts forming green mats on rock

Question: Apical meristems ________.

-occur only in roots of plants

-occur in both roots and shoots of plants

-allow plants to move from one place to another

-occur only in shoots of plants

Answer: occur in both roots and shoots of plants


Answer: increased height, improved competition for light, and increased spore dispersal distances

Question: Which of these events, based on plant fossils, came last (most recently)?

-colonization of land by early liverworts and mosses

-carboniferous swamps with giant horsetails and lycophytes

-rise and diversification of angiosperms

-extensive growth of gymnosperm forests

Answer: rise and diversification of angiosperms

Question: According to our current knowledge of plant evolution, which group of organisms should feature cell division most similar to that of land plants?

-some cyanobacteria

-some unicellular green algae

-some charophytes

-some red algae

Answer: some charophytes


Answer: Antheridia and archegonia are produced by gametophytes.

Question: According to the fossil record, plants colonized terrestrial habitats _____.

-in conjunction with fungi that helped provide them with nutrients from the soil

-only about 150 million years ago

-to escape abundant herbivores in the oceans

-in conjunction with insects that pollinated them

Answer: in conjunction with fungi that helped provide them with nutrients from the soil.

Question: Stomata _____.

-occur in all land plants and define them as a monophyletic group

-occur in all land plants and are the same as pores

-open to allow gas exchange and close to decrease water loss

-open to increase both water absorption and gas exchange

Answer: open to allow gas exchange and close to decrease water loss.

Question: In plants, which of the following are produced by meiosis?

-haploid sporophytes

-diploid spores

-diploid gametes

-haploid spores

-haploid gametes

Answer: haploid spores