Which Of These Developments Helped Launch The Industrial Revolution

Question: The Agricultural Revolution helped spark the Industrial Revolution by:

Answer: increasing the amount of food produced and decreasing the number of farmworkers.

Question: Which of the factors of industrialization does Baines cite in the reading? Check all that apply

Answer: -water power to run machines

-rivers for transportation of goods

-natural resources for production


Answer: tenant farmers


spinning jenny

cotton gin

Question: Workers in the city of_________ earned the highest wages in 1700.

In the cities of____________________, wages stayed about the same between 1700 and 1800.

What was the effect of industrialization on worker’s wages in London?

Answer: London

Amsterdam and Delhi

They increased dramatically

Question: How did steam locomotives lower the cost of transporting raw materials and finished goods?

Answer: They could transport many materials or goods at once.

Question: Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of _____________ , which got things to market faster and cheaper.

Answer: transportation

Question: What is the most likely reason that the steam locomotive was developed soon after the steamboat?

Answer: The locomotive used the same technology but could travel more broadly.

Question: Before the Agricultural Revolution, much of England’s farmland was ______________.

Answer: common

Question: During the Agricultural Revolution, what was the main advantage of tenant farming rather than moving to the city for work?

Answer: Tenant farmers could use a skill they already had rather than starting over.

Question: The Agricultural Revolution helped spark the Industrial Revolution by increasing the amount of food produced and by

Answer: decreasing the number of farmworkers.

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