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Which Of These Did The Mycenaeans Learn From The Minoans

Question: What did the Mycenaeans learn from the Minoans?

Answer: Working with bronze, building ships, use of the sun and stars for navigation at sea, and religious practices.

Question: Why is the time period around 6oo BC in ancient Greece Called the Dark Age?

Answer: people forgot how to read and write

Question: Early Greeks lived by

Answer: trading, farming of grapes and olive oil, fishing

Question: Who could be citizens of most Greek city-states

Answer: free, native born, land owning MEN

Question: The Greek alphabet was based on which of these alphabets?

Answer: Phoenician

Question: The Mycenaeans come to Greece from

Answer: Central Asia

Question: The Minoans made their living as

Answer: traders

Question: Mycenaeans could pay their taxes in

Answer: wheat, livestock or honey

Question: A peninsula means “almost island” because

Answer: It is a piece of land surrounded by water on three out of four sides.

Question: Nearly 3/4 of Greece’s terrain is covered in

Answer: mountains