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Which Of These Equations Describes Aerobic Cellular Respiration

Question: Respiration describes the exchange of gases between your blood and the air. This is different from cellular respiration, which______

Answer: Produces ATP.

Question: Which of these equations describes aerobic cellular respiration?

Answer: glucose + oxygen—-> carbon dioxide+ water + energy.

Question: Where in the eukaryotic cell does glycolysis occur?

Answer: Cytoplasm

Question: Which of the following is the correct sequence of stages in cellular respiration?

Answer: glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport.

Question: The electron transport chain of cellular respiration takes place in the _____ of eukaryotes.

Answer: Mitochondria

Question: ATP synthase, a large protein molecule found in the inner membrane of mitochondria, plays a role in______

Answer: Generating ATP from the energy produced by H+ ions moving through it and down their concentration gradient.

Question: Aerobic cellular respiration generates about_____ ATP from on glucose.

Answer: 32-38

Question: Anaerobic respiration produces a maximum of ______ ATP per glucose.

Answer: 2

Question: Which of the following metabolic pathways is common to both aerobic and anaerobic processes?

Answer: glycolysis.

Question: What waste product do yeast produce under anaerobic conditions?

Answer: ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide.