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Which Of These Helps Explain Why Mixed Economies Develop

Question: system in which government owns and controls some factors of production

Answer: socialism

Question: mechanism through which buyers and sellers of an economic product or service come together

Answer: market

Question: system that has some combination of traditional, command, and market economies

Answer: mixed economy

Question: worst period of economic decline in U.S. history, lasting from approximately 1929 to 1939

Answer: great depression

Question: economic and political system in which factors of production are owned and directed by the state

Answer: communism

Question: certificate used to purchase government-owned property during privatization

Answer: voucher

Question: forced common ownership of factors of production

Answer: collectivization

Question: requiring large amounts of investment in equipment in relation to labor

Answer: capital intensive

Question: number of people per square mile of land area

Answer: population density

Question: successor of the European Coal and Steel Community, established in 1993

Answer: european union (EU)