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Which Of These Helps Qualify Beowulf As An Epic Poem

Question: Nobody understood her

response to her family’s misfortunes.

Answer: happy

Question: The jury watched the defendant’s face

as the charges were read.

Answer: become pale

Question: The locals believed the castle was a pirate’s

, where treasure might be stored.

Answer: hideout

Question: lair

Answer: c; hideout

Question: scabbard

Answer: e; sheath for a sword

Question: hilt

Answer: b; handle of a sword

Question: complacent

Answer: f; eager to please

Question: covetous

Answer: a; eager to obtain and possess

Question: Grendel easily killed thirty warriors during his first attack because his victims were

Answer: asleep

Question: Which of these helps qualify Beowulf as an epic poem?

Answer: It is written in a lofty, serious style.