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Which Of These Illustrates The Secondary Structure Of A Protein

Question: What name is given to the process seen in this animation?

To view the animation, click here. Then click on the image to start the animation.

Answer: dehydration synthesis The linking of the monomers involves the removal of water

Question: Which of the following parts of an amino acid vary among different amino acids?

Answer: the side chain, or R group While all amino acids contain an amino group, a carboxyl group and a hydrogen bound to the central carbon, the R groups vary among the 20 different amino acids.

Question: Which class(es) of amino acids possess side chains that would be unable to form hydrogen bonds with water?

Answer: amino acids with nonpolar side chains

Nonpolar side chains are hydrophobic.

Question: Each of the figures above represents a peptide with three amino acids linked together (a “tripeptide”). In which figure are the N-terminus, C-terminus, Amino Group, and Carboxyl Group correctly labeled?

Answer: A. This figure correctly identifies the components of a peptide (or polypeptide) chain

Question: what type of bond joins the monomers in a protein’s primary structure?

Answer: peptide

Question: Proteins are polymers of _____.

Answer: b) amino acids

Question: Which of these illustrates the secondary structure of a protein?

Answer: Alpha helices and beta pleated sheets are characteristic of a protein’s secondary structure.

Question: The secondary structure of a protein results from _____.

Answer: HYDROGEN BONDS-Electronegative oxygen and nitrogen atoms leave hydrogen atoms with partial positive charges.

Question: Tertiary structure is NOT directly dependent on _____.

Answer: peptide bonds

Peptide bonds link together the amino acids of a protein’s primary structure.

Question: ______ structure is achieved when a protein folds into a compact, three dimensional shape stabilized by interactions between side-chain R groups of amino acids

Answer: tertiary