Intrapulmonary Pressure Is The ________.
Question: In pneumothorax, the lung collapses because ______.
Question: Hypocapnia causes ______.
the level of bicarbonate ions in the blood to rise
- hypoxia
- an increase in VRG activity
- hyperventilation
Answer: the infection has caused inflammation of the nasolacrimal ducts.
Question: The adenoids normally destroy pathogens because they contain ______.
- white pulp that performs immune functions
- red pulp that performs immune functions
- lymph nodes
- lymphocytes
Answer: lymphocytes
The adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils), which are located in the posterior wall of the pharynx posterior to the soft palate, are part of a ring of lymphatic tissue surrounding the entrance to the laryngopharynx. They function to trap inhaled bacteria and facilitate activation of resident lymphocytes.