Question: what is SBARR
Answer: Communication process or tool. Supported by jcaho and The Institute of healthcare Improvement. Allows for Clear concise information and it’s easy to use
Question: how to prepare for an sbar report
Answer: Assess the client, have the chart in front of you and be prepared to answer questions Kama review medical record in the most recent progress notes from any physician and nurse, discuss the situation with colleagues if needed, have them are in flu shot in hand especially when calling the physician
Question: What is the present situation? And what is the reason you are calling for?
Include your name hospital and unit the client’s name and room number, the clients code status, the most recent Vital Signs, and your concerns.
Answer: S - situation
Question: B - background
Answer: A brief overview of the client including pertinent medical history, mental status, skin assessment, respiratory findings, oximetry readings, oxygen, allergies and their reaction, medications, IV fluids and Brake, significant lab and diagnostic test results
Question: A - assessment
Answer: What do you the nurse think the problem is and is it life threatening including cardiac respiratory neurological infection deterioration in condition or unstable