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2.5.5 Using The Point Class

Question: What is an object in Java?

Answer: An object is something that contains both state and behavior.

Question: Which of the following best describes the relationship between a class and an object?

Answer: A class definition specifies the attributes and behavior of every object that will be made.

Question: Every class definition has each of the following EXCEPT

A name

Defined attributes

Defined behaviors to manipulate the state of the objects

Defined objects as copies of the class

Answer: Defined objects as copies of the class

Question: Consider this class definition of a Pineapple.

public class Pineapple


private boolean isRipe;

private String color;

private double weight;

// Rest of class goes here


When we use this class to create Pineapple objects, which of the following is guaranteed to be true?

Answer: Every Pineapple object will have the same attributes.

Question: What is a constructor in Java?

Answer: A constructor allows us to create a new instance of a class, usually initializing instance variables.