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5.05 Digestion And Respiration

Question: Which of the following macromolecule is correctly paired with its monomer?

Answer: Carbohydrates—monosaccharides

Question: Which of the following correctly matches salivary gland cells with their secretions?

Answer: Acinar cells—water, electrolytes, mucus and enzymes

Question: A food-borne illness could spread through the body by infecting which layer of the alimentary canal, and why?

Answer: The submucosa, because it contains blood vessels and lymphatic ducts

Question: A person is experiencing the symptoms of malnutrition but is eating regularly. This could indicate a problem with which layer of the alimentary canal, and why?

Answer: Submucosa, because this layer absorbs nutrients from the bloodstream

Question: Jake fell while hiking and sustained a deep cut on his right calf. Which of the following foods will supply the structural component needed for tissue repair?

Answer: Beans, because they contain protein