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Is Perception Innate Or Learned

Question: William James

Answer: The baby’s world is “as one great blooming, buzzing confusion”. Father of psychological experimentation.

Question: Picture Perception: What is this?

Answer: Ability to interpret sensory world. Says a lot about our species.

Question: Face Perception

Answer: Picture of celebrity upside down. Visual system so specialized to discriminate things.

Question: Would an infant know?

Answer: We can tell what this is even though it is a cartoon (2D). Infant wouldn’t know this representation. Learned through language? Not innate. Brain evolved to pick up this info.

Question: Is facial attractiveness innate? yes.

Culture has no influence (little, piercing, features).

Babies born predisposition to this… symmetry.

Would an infant agree which is more attractive and which is a better picture of a dog? yes

Answer: TE and TED