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Is Romeo'S Killing Of Paris Premeditated

Question: Whom does Juliet meet at Friar Lawrence’s cell? What is he doing there?

Answer: Paris is talking to Friar about Juliet and planning the marriage.

Question: In which lines does Juliet utter words that can be taken as an accusation of Friar Lawrence for his failure to help more?

Answer: She accuses the Friar of not doing everything in his power to end her marriage to Paris.

Question: List the 8 steps in Friar Lawrence’s plan

Answer: 1.consent to parry Paris

2.arrange to be alone the next night

3.drink potion

4.she’ll appear dead for 42 hours.

5.she is placed in the family vault.

6.Friar sends letter to Romeo

7.Friar and Romeo will be there when she wakes

8. go to Mantua

Question: What promise does Juliet make to her father?

Answer: that he will always rule her and she will obey him. she will marry Paris.

Question: Explain Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s behavior

Answer: he’s happy, relieved, and excited; changed the wedding date to be sooner.