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Segmental Refers To Which Level Of Motor Control

Question: How does integration in the motor system compare with integration in sensory systems?

Answer: In the MS , we have motor endings serving effectors (muscle fibers) instead of sensory receptors, descending efferent circuits instead of ascending afferent circuits and motor behavior instead of perception.

Question: 3 levels of operation for motor systems

Answer: Segmental Level, The projection level, The pre-command level .

Question: Segmental Level

Answer: The lowest level on the motor control hierarchy and consists of reflexes and spinal cord circuits that control automatic movements. A segmental circuit activates a network of ventral horn neurons in a group of cord segments, causing them to stimulate specific groups of muscles.

Question: projection level

Answer: The spinal cord is under direct control of this level (upper motor neurons of motor cortex, pyramidal system, brain stem motor nuclei).

Question: direct pyramidal pathways

Answer: Projection Level : Upper motor neurons of the motor cortex initiate the _______ _________ __________. Axons of direct pathway neurons produce discrete voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles.