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5.06 War Ends

Question: Manhattan Project:

Answer: secret program to build an atomic weapon in the United States during WWII

Question: Potsdam Conference:

Answer: a meeting of the Allied leaders in Germany in 1945 during which the leaders made plans for rebuilding Europe after Germany’s surrender and the U.S. and Great Britain gained the Soviet Union’s support for ending the war against Japan

Question: Potsdam Declaration:

Answer: statement issued by participants at the Potsdam Conference requiring that Japan surrender unconditionally or face “prompt and utter destruction”

Question: Nuremberg trials:

Answer: trials held after WWII that focused on Nazi leaders and their actions during the Holocaust; trials were held at the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, and were organized by the U.S., Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union

Question: United Nations:

Answer: a league of mutual cooperation in which differences can be resolved without resorting to war; formally created by leaders from the U.S., Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and China; charter was officially adopted by 50 member countries on October 24,1 945