I Hate CBT's

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What Should You Consider Security Baselines

Question: Which of the following tools can you use on a Windows network to automatically distribute and install software and operating system patches on workstations? (Select two.)


Question: Which of the following describes a configuration baseline?


Question: What should you consider security baselines?


Question: By definition, what is the process of reducing security exposure and tightening security controls?


Question: Which of the following is the strongest form of multi-factor authentication?


Question: You have recently experienced a security incident with one of your servers. After some research, you determine that a new hotfix has recently been released, which would have protected the server.

Which of the following recommendations should you follow when applying the hotfix?


Question: Which of the following actions should you take to reduce the attack surface of a server?


Question: Which of the following do security templates allow you to do? (Select two.)


Question: You have just purchased a new network device and are getting ready to connect it to your network. Which of the following actions should you take to increase its security? (Select two.)


Question: Which of the following is defined as an operating system that comes hardened and validated to a specific security level as defined in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC)?

Answer: TOS

A trusted operating system (TOS) is one that has been hardened and validated to a specific level as defined by the Common Criteria.

Windows, UNIX, and OS X are not TOSs by default.