I Hate CBT's

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What Should You Do At The End Of A Lab

Question: What should you do before starting any lab?

Answer: prelab

Question: How should you protect your eyes?

Answer: Wear protective eyewear.

Question: What is the first thing you should do if there is an accident in the lab?

Answer: Call Mr. D.

Question: After using any chemical, always remember to do what?

Answer: Wash your hands

Question: Why should you keep your hands away from your face during lab?

Answer: You could get chemicals in your eyes.

Question: What should be done with long hair or loose sleeves before starting lab?

Answer: Keep them tied up and out of the way.

Question: Tell the location of the following items….

  1. fire extinguisher?

  2. b. eyewash

  3. c. emergency exits?

  4. d. first aid kit?

  5. Answer: a. under the glass rack

  6. b. in the left back corner

  7. c. on both ends of the lab

  8. d. cabinet closest to the other teacher’s room, Mrs ??

  9. Question: What should be at your lab station or table?

  10. Answer: The things you need for the lab.

  11. Question: If you wear contacts, what safety precaution should you take during lab?

  12. Answer: Use eye protection or take them out

  13. Question: Should you ever put anything into your mouth during lab?

  14. Answer: No