I Hate CBT's

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What Should You Do If You Suspect Spillage Has Occurred

Question: What do you do if a spillage occurs?

Answer: Immediately notify your security point of contact.

Question: What should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web?

Answer: Neither confirm nor deny the information is classified.

Question: Which of the following is NOT true concerning a computer labeled SECRET?

Answer: May be used on an unclassified network.

Question: Who can be permitted access to classified data?

Answer: Only persons with appropriate clearance, a non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know.

Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator?

Answer: New interest in learning a foreign language.

Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator?

Answer: Treated mental health issues.

Question: A colleague has won 10 high-performance awards, can be playful and charming, is not currently in a relationship, and is occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information. How many potential insider threat indicators does this employee display?


Question: What information most likely presents a security risk on your personal social networking profile?

Answer: Personal email address

Question: What action should you take if you receive a friend request on your social networking website from someone in Germany you met casually at a conference last year?

Answer: Decline the request

Question: Which of the following is an example of Protected Health Information (PHI)?

Answer: Explanation of benefits from a health insurance company.