What Similar Purposes Did Traditional African Religions Share
Question: how do carvings show the relationship between rulers and subjects?
Answer: They show the superiority of the ruler over the subject.
-subject: forced to serve and respect leaders
-ruler: powerful and important
Question: How do carvings show how people honored their king?
Answer: this is shown because they are by his side carrying weapons to serve him, while others are supporting him.
Question: How were African ruler’s relationships with their subjects different from those of other rulers?
Answer: The rulers allowed the subjects to file complaints, while others would think it was disrespectful.
Question: How might this have helped rulers govern more successfully?
Answer: This probably made the rulers more approachable, and they could fix any problems. It also made people less likely to rebel.
Question: What tasks did African rulers perform in exchange for loyalty from their people?
Answer: They did the merchants favors.
Question: Key features of Ghana’s Government
Question: Key features of Mali’s Government
Question: Key features of Songhai’s Government
Question: What were the beliefs of the Ashanti people?
Answer: The Ashanti people believed in a supreme god whose sons were lesser gods. Creator once lived -> left because of humans
Question: What was the role of diviniers in African religion?
Answer: They were hired by kings to guarantee good harvests and protect their kingdoms by foretelling events.