What Slowed The Spread Of The Italian Renaissance Across Europe
Question: How did the ideas of the Italian Renaissance spread throughout Europe?
Answer: The early ideas of the Renaissance eventually spread to all parts of Europe.
-Scholars and artists visited Italy in search of new knowledge and then returned to their home and adapted their learnings for their homeland
Question: Why was the Renaissance slow to spread beyond Italy?
Question: How did the invention of the printing press change the world forever?
Answer: In the 1400s, the printing press made it possible for people to more easily share new ideas and the wisdom of the past.
Cheap and accessible - out of the hands of the clergy
By 1500, Venice had 200 printing presses and had become famous for printing
Question: How did trade affect the spread of the Renaissance
Answer: INCREASED - as most wars came to an end (late 15th C) trade increased and Italians were invited to other areas of Europe and the aristocracy started to feel the need to become more sophisticated
Question: How did the wars between Germany, France and Italy affect the spread of the Renaissance?
Answer: INCREASED - When France and Germany waged war against the Italian city-states they were exposed to new worldviews.
Question: How did people moving to the cities affect the spread of the Renaissance?
Answer: INCREASED - those living in cities had more freedom to explore the new ideas of art science and philosophy
Question: How did the plague and decline of feudalism affect the spread of the Renaissance?
Answer: After the plague, there were not enough people to work the land, so feudalism declined and people moved to the cities to get a new start. Living in cities exposed people to new ideas and gave them the freedom to explore art, science and philosophy
Question: What happened to the spread of the Renaissance once the 100 Year War ended in 1453?
Answer: Roads became safe and so people travelled more and could spread new ideas across the continent.