What Sneaky Thing Does Lennie Try To Do
Question: What does Slim say he would have done to the dog if he hadn’t given it to Lennie
Answer: Killed them
Question: 2. What does Slim say he finds funny
Answer: That George and Lennie travel together.
Question: 3. George says if he were really smart he would be doing what
Answer: Own his own land and not work like a dog for someone else to profit
Question: 4. What is the story behind why Lennie and George travel together
Answer: George knew Lennie from the time they were kids and when Lennie’s Aunt Clara died, George promised he’d look after him.
Question: 5. What can the reader infer about Lennie’s childhood and family life
Answer: Aunt Clara took good care of him, but he struggled with his peer groups which made fun of him and played tricks on him.
Question: 6. What did George do once that made him stop playing jokes on Lennie
Answer: He told Lennie to jump into a lake, and Lennie couldn’t swim, but he did it anyway and almost drowned
Question: 7. What card game does George play
Answer: Solitaire
Question: 8. What does George tell Slim happened in Weed
Answer: Lennie tried to pet a girl’s dress because he thought it was soft; she screamed, so he grabbed her dress harder; when she got away, she claimed Lennie raped her.
Question: 9. What sneaky thing does Lennie try to do
Answer: Bring his puppy from Slim into the bunkhouse
Question: 10. What game has the other guys been playing while George and Slim talk
Answer: Horseshoes