What Social Freedom Did Roman Women Eventually Gain
Question: When plebeians initially gained representation in the senate, what position did they fill?
Answer: Tribunes
Question: What aspect of Roman culture originated with the Etruscan civilization?
Answer: The arch and other engineering techniques
Question: How did Rome motivate conquered peoples to pay taxes, supply soldiers, and stay loyal to the government?
Answer: It allowed them to keep their own customs and self-government.
Question: Religion played an important role in Roman society, helping to
Answer: Create a sense of community
Question: What social freedom did Roman women eventually gain?
Answer: They were allowed to own businesses.
Question: How did Rome successfully protect its conquests?
Answer: By posting a well-trained army throughout the empire
Question: What was one of Rome’s geographical advantages?
Answer: Rome was located at the mouth of the Tiber River, which provided a inland water transportation route.
Question: Rome was considered a republic because
Answer: Citizens voted for some of their officials.
Question: What was the name of dictator that was considered the ideal dictator. When he was asked to take over Rome he was able to raise an army, defeat the enemy and return to his farm within 15 days.
Answer: Cincinattus
Question: The Romans allowed conquered peoples to keep their own customs, money, and local government if they agreed to
Answer: Pay taxes