Marginal Benefit Definition
Question: Wants
Answer: Something you want but don’t need
Question: Needs
Answer: Something you need in order to live
Question: Economics
Answer: Economics is the social science that studies economic activity to gain an understanding of the processes that govern the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services in an economy.
Question: Microeconomics
Answer: Microeconomics (from Greek prefix mikro- meaning “small” and economics) is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and small impacting organizations in making decisions on the allocation of limited resources (see scarcity).
Question: Macroeconomics
Answer: Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix makro- meaning “large” and economics) is a branch of economics dealing with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole, rather than individual markets. This includes national, regional, and global economies.